August 16th – 22nd 2024

Gene Key 29


Half-Heartedness – Commitment – Devotion

This week we contemplate the theme of Commitment. Gene Key 29 challenges us by asking: is there anything that you are doing right now in a half-hearted way? If there is something, or perhaps it’s a relationship, then valuable energy may be leaking through that window.

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Devotion only happens when your self-interest is completely out of the way. Commitment without the underlying love which impregnates it is not enough.

Can you dare to devote your life to the service of others?

Dare to be Divine, Richard Rudd

The Courageous Path of Love and Truth with Tanmayo Lawson

In this episode of the Love, Sex, and Intimacy podcast with Sarah Rose Bright, Tanmayo explores the topic of love and intimacy, showing how self-discovery is the key to deeper connections. The discussion reveals how our conditioning can shape our relationships, the importance of vulnerability and why love and truth take courage. This insightful conversation will challenge the way you relate to yourself as well as to others.

Meeting the Divine Feminine

The Story and True Depth Behind the Venus Sequence

In this article, Richard Rudd describes the extraordinary origins of the Venus Sequence, which came to him precisely as the planet Venus made a rare visible transit of the sun in 2004. A deeply mystical article to contemplate over time, and with vast ramifications…

‘The Bees are our thoughts.The Hive is our body.The world is the orchard.The flowers and blossoms are our experiences in the world. As the bees draw the pollen from the flowers, so we have to draw as much sustenance as we can from the experiences that come our way. Like the bees, our thoughts always return to the Hive, our body, and it is there that they store the precious substance they have gathered from their adventures. Deep within the Hive, an alchemical process takes place, as life is broken down and its essence is extracted and refined. All this work is done by the bees. Those wonderful, busy bees.’

Unlocking your Incarnation Codes

Richard Rudd live in Boulder, Colorado USA

September 28th – 29th

Free Registration Now Open for the Live Stream Event

Experience a two-day practical immersion aimed at launching or deepening your journey into the magical world of the Gene Keys with the founder, Richard Rudd. Learn essential steps on your journey of awakening to who you truly are, through the lenses of your genius, love and prosperity. As you unlock your Incarnation Codes, you will dive into the mechanics and algorithms behind the Gene Keys, its mystical origins, and its purpose in heralding a new kind of transcendent human.

In-person tickets
We’d love for you to join us in-person! We’re almost at capacity for this event, so if you’re interested don’t hesitate to click below for more info and to purchase your ticket. You can use this special link to get a $99 discount!

Live Stream Tickets
This is a rare opportunity: these teachings are seldom offered globally via a live stream and Richard is partnering with Gaia to bring you free access to this information. Secure your virtual seat now by clicking the button below.

Attend in-person in Colorado, or stream free from anywhere in the world. We hope to see you there! 

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