Gene Keys Guide

Ron E Armstrong

Inspirational Guide and Intuitive Channel

Ron E Armstrong is a renowned intuitive channel, Gene Keys Guide, Akashic Records Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and massage therapist. His practice is based on delivering soulful, personalized readings that are packed with insight, wisdom, and practical advice. He works with clients to access their higher self and explore the bigger picture concerning any area of their lives.

Ron has developed a comprehensive pool of tools to access the Akashic Records, Human Design, Tarot, Gene Keys, Astrology, and Reiki. He channels messages from the higher realm to focus on clients’ long-term patterns, quandaries, karmic issues, and how to heal anything. Ron also offers homework before each session, and he always asks for permission to access the records and read for his clients. Ron’s readings are tailored to the individual and are unfiltered by his personal analysis or interpretation. He encourages clients to take notes during their readings, as the messages may seem confusing or irrelevant in the moment but become clear later on. Ron also offers recording as an option, and payment is by donation, with clients contributing from $40 per hour to over $400 per hour.

Ron has been praised by clients all over the world for his compassionate and honest readings. His clients have reported feeling focused, hopeful, and confident after their sessions. They’ve described his work as “magickal,” “a blessing,” and “truly special.” If you’re looking for a spiritual guide to help you understand your life’s purpose, contact Ron E Armstrong for a personalized reading today.

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