Gene Keys Guide

Lorna Munro

Whirlwind Champion For Change Agent

Lorna hails from the Scottish Highlands. She is a mother, Grandmother and a beloved friend. She is an international best-selling, award winning author of Truth and Integrity as a Champion of Change. Recently winning a Women of Heart Award for being a Woman of Resilience and Inspiration. She Guides others from self-sacrifice to self-illumination by introducing them to their Higher purpose as a Gene Keys Guide.

Lorna has been repeatedly tested to face adversity, to strengthen her resolve and to open her heart to be able to share the gift of unconditional love and understanding with all that are blessed to know her.

Through years of devotional self-study and three seven-year cycles of deconditioning to heal the sacred wounds of collective karma, Lorna has earned the essential codes to guide, inform and educate those that are ready for their inner transformation.

She brings a wealth of resources to any container having lived a full spectrum of the human experience.

She will feed and nourish you with the joy of believing in yourself again and lovingly guide you to the depths of your being and to bring forth a rebirth and a new meaning of life.

Are you ready to prune the interior of your being and ignite the inner revolution of your genius.

Lorna lovingly feeds the network to nurture the cosmic incubator that will support you as you move through your transformational journey.

Lorna is a whirlwind, an agent of change here to activate and reboot the blueprint of your original design.

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