Gene Keys Guide

Nicole House

GK/HD/Astrology Sessions, IFS, & Relationship Coaching

Hi, I am Nicole House. I am from the Southern part of the USA, and have been deeply immersed in the gene keys with friends in a global community since 2019. I appreciate the gentle approach of the gene keys, love sitting with others, and exploring their profiles together. I help others connect and attune to the higher expressions of who they are in their personal and professional lives using my purpose (GK 17). I also use this when sitting with parents and helping them find ways to “be with”, and connect with their children on a deeper level. Pulling it all together with GK 26 and helping people brand their business, fine tune their message, and lead from their authentic self.

I am also an astrologer, and blend human design, when coaching clients in having more compassion with self and others. These tools alongside the Gene Keys help us connect with our higher Self, so we can show up with confidence and courage everyday. Standing firm in who we are, and able to connect in healthy relationships. I am a mom of four awesome (almost all adult now) children, a partner, best friend, and wife for more than 30 years. We just became grandparents in April of 2023, this takes joy to a whole new level. We are “elevening” as Richard and his wife say.

I am an Internal Family Systems Certified Practitioner, Somatic IFS and IFIO (Intimacy From the Inside Out) Coach. IFS is a very complimentary, gentle and compassionate, approach to deep healing work with legacy burdens (ancestral healing), detecting past conditioning, old patterns and additions, trauma, and more. I love to weave the GK, HD, Astrology, and the Dream Arc into all that I do when I sit with others. I also love to practice Yoga, Qigong, traveling, exploring, drawing, writing, climbing mountains, and being near the water.

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