Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Jacqueline Sa

GK support for China’s eco-spiritual engagements

A multi-lingual Chinese-American, Jacqueline (沙曼虹) grew up in a home environment that honors the majesty of Nature through musings of the Dao (Tao) and the YiJing (I-Ching), and in a family that practices the wisdom of Chinese medicinal healing.

Jacqueline has had careers in both the United States and Asia – from global high-tech conglomerates to creating her own entrepreneurial ventures, including a nationally-acclaimed holistic healing center in Northern California, USA.

Jacqueline currently devotes her work in advocating co-creative activities in China, integrating and embracing conjoined East-West ecological and spiritual wisdoms, with an underpinning of ‘One Shared Humanity’. She weaves the Gene Keys transmissions with her unique approach in connecting psycho-spiritual pathways to the sacredness of Earth’s sentience. Her award-winning book “Exultation – Erotic Tales of Divine Union” presents seven mystical tales of the awakened kindness of sacred sexuality, enfolded in the macro-consciousness of Earth and Sun (available on Amazon and various digital platforms).

A dedicated practitioner and contemplator of the Gene Keys teachings since 2009, Jacqueline guides her network of enthusiasts in the study and appreciation of the Gene Keys teachings. She is the editor and co-publisher in Chinese of Richard Rudd’s book: The Art of Contemplation 冥思的艺术 (available in China and Asia). She has served on the Board of Directors for the non-profit Gene Keys Society up to 2018; and she continues to be a dedicated contributor to Gene Keys’ endeavors in China and in Chinese-speaking countries.


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