Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Katherine Welter

GK Golden Path / 7 Sacred Seals Groups & private profile

Kathy Welter-Nichols, Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide; Registered Clinical CHt., NLP Licensed Trainer, has dedicated over 25 years to working with hypnosis, guided visualization, and meditation.

Throughout her career, Kathy has made notable contributions to the field. She created one of the first two Circles for Cancer Patients in the Lower Mainland, conducting relaxation meditations for attendees every Tuesday night for five and a half years. A remarkable 23,350 people benefited from her sessions. Inspired by this program, Kathy developed a range of CDs for adults with life-threatening illnesses, as well as relaxation CDs for children and adults.

Kathy has trained with renowned figures such as Dora Kunz, Deloris Kreiger (founders of Therapeutic Touch), Janet Metgsen (Healing Touch International), and Marie Mongan (founder of HypnoBirthing). Her dedication and expertise have been recognized, as she received the Volunteer of the Year Award in 1999 for her work with the Cancer Foundation and SFU Health Care in Vancouver and Burnaby.

She is the author of several books, including “Chasing Hunger” and “Bulimia Breakthrough Method,” as well as “Meditation for Beginners” and “Mindful for Beginners.” Kathy is a highly skilled Master Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified HypnoBirthing Educator, and NLP Licensed Trainer & DHE Specialist.

Kathy Welter-Nichols resides in Burnaby, British Columbia, alongside her husband Harry Nichols. She can be contacted at 604-421-1722 or via email at For more information on her work, visit

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