Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Pia Mark

Compassionate Gene Keys Guidance and parenting support

An enthusiastic, inspired visionary, Pia loves to dive deep into the mysteries of the Universe. She’s a long-time student of the Gene Keys, fully dedicated to bringing these teachings out into the world, and she has a unique gift for embodying the deeper mystery, whilst sharing the wisdom in a down to earth way.

With a more than 40 years long quest towards health and wholeness, including various healing modalities and spiritual practices along the way, Pia is dedicated to being of service in the world, and she has through her own inner journey developed a deep sense of compassion, tenderness, creative imagination, and wholehearted presence. Pia is furthermore a devoted mother and grandmother with a deep passion for sharing her life experience and wisdom with parents.

Pia is the Coordinator for the Delta, where her unwavering trust in its magic and kind heart brings a sense of ease and grace.

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