Gene Keys Guide

Coaching: I specialize in supporting self-motivated women in their personal growth to discover their gifts and reach their potential. (on their journey to live through their hearts and experience self-love and freedom). As a Gene Keys Guide we will work with your profile for further understanding of your gifts and potential.

Author/Speaker: I speak about youth and mental health to encourage better connections between adults and children. (using my children’s book as a tool)
Wanda Davis, M.Sc.,B.Sc.,B.Ed., helps others discover their gifts and live through their hearts. She is an educator, certified life coach, Gene Keys guide, professional speaker, and best-selling author. Wanda lives in London, Ontario surrounded by plants and trees. Her newly released children’s book, From Head to Heart, opens discussions about feelings and encourages kids to reach out for the help they need to gain better mental health. Wanda is available for author visits and speaking engagements, both in person and virtually.

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