May 3rd – 9th 2024

Gene Key 2


Dislocation – Orientation – Unity

This week we meet Gene Key 2 – the great source of the feminine. Spend time this week with the feminine, in whatever form that takes for you – female friends, intuitive decisions, following curves instead of straight lines. Contemplate the feminine.

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We’ve forgotten how to receive, how to simply be and how to trust. We’re already home. It’s inside each one of us. It lies at a higher frequency, and it can only be discovered through love. That’s why we seek love

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Transforming Loneliness into Unity

Richard Rudd describes how loneliness can be an invitation to reconnect with our hearts through opening up many little new relationships in our lives – with plants, animals, people and experiences. This then begins to melt the walls of our loneliness and expands into the very opposite of loneliness – Joyous Unity – our most natural inner state.

New to the Gene Keys

Open Calls Update

Our open calls will be held on Thursdays, every other week at alternating times from May onwards. This will allow for international timezones. The next call is May 9th at 4pm UTC with Gene Keys Guides Jesse Chesnutt and Yunbei Li. Then the following call will be May 23rd at 9am UTC with Mark Bentley and Akushi Angel.

These open calls are a free resource, filled with wisdom, reflections and helpful insights from Gene Keys Guides and Ambassadors. It is a wonderful way to get oriented into your profile, the Gene Keys and the simple wisdom that lives at the heart of the transmission.

Hone your intuition like a laser, to increase lucidity, decision-making and build a deep trust in the flow of events in the world.

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