August 28th – September 3rd 2024

Gene Key 40


Exhaustion – Resolve – Divine Will

This week we explore Gene Key 40 – Divine Will invites us to surrender and open to forces far beyond us. You can use this week to deepen your connection to the Divine.

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We prepare ourselves to be washed, to be emptied, to be expunged.
We give ourselves up entirely to the darkness, and we do so knowing that somewhere, somehow, hidden in this darkness, we will rediscover the light.

The Seven Sacred Seals, Richard Rudd

Navigating your Emotional World

August 30th at 7pm UTC

The Venus Sequence provides us with a map of our wounds and our wonders, teaching us how to navigate the turbulent waves of life and expand our capacity to love. In this interactive session, Elijah will help decipher the Gene Keys Profile using examples from live attendees, answer questions and bring the teachings of the Venus stream alive.

Tea with Richard

September 3rd at 7pm UTC

Join Richard live for contemplation and conversation over a cup of tea. In these new, informal sessions, Richard will share insights from his heart and updates from his work within the Gene Keys transmission. 

Introducing the Venus Sequence

The Law of Unseen Grace

In this first of a 4-part introduction to the Venus Sequence, Richard Rudd describes it as a ‘Wound Map’ that can be used to disable deep unconscious trauma held in the body. The Law of Unseen Grace states that we always get the exact experiences and relationships we need in life for our spiritual evolution. Using your Venus Sequence can help you open your heart and move through any difficulty in life with gentleness and courage.

Ready to Dive Deeper into the Venus Stream?

The Venus Sequence Online Retreat

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