June 24th – 30th 2024

Gene Key 52


Stress – Restraint – Stillness

This week we meet Gene Key 52, with its much misunderstood Gift of Restraint. What stressful patterns need to be stopped with an act of will by you this week? You will only find true stillness when you put the brakes on and pause.

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Contemplation also teaches us how to say an open-hearted ‘no’. Sometimes our intuition leads us in a direction that may disappoint the expectations or wishes of others. At such times we need to be so certain of our decision, that we do not fall prey to guilt. We can use courtesy and gratitude but our decision is clear and in tune with a greater harmony. We needn’t apologise for ourselves or try and invent reasons to try and make the other feel better. It is best to simply be open-hearted and honest.

The Art of Contemplation, Richard Rudd

Pause with Us

Transform your day with the Art of Contemplation

Sloth wants to pause with you this week – make a playful practice of pausing throughout your day with the Triple Flame app!

Don't Forget, this Sunday – 30th of June at 7pm UTC we will be Calling in the Dream Arc Dragon

Join us with Wisdom Keeper, Grandmother Flordemayo, for an invocation of dragon medicine to support us in our time of transformation. We will stir it from its cave and welcome its fire. In so doing, we cultivate the strength and courage needed to meet the challenges we face individually and collectively. 

The Ecstasy of Silence

Cold Mountain

A wild, Taoist hermit poet who lived at the borders of recorded history, Cold Mountain left his poems inscribed on rocks in the silent valleys of Southern China. Here, Richard uses Cold Mountain as a springboard into the famed Rivers and Mountains poetic lineage of Ancient China. Framed by the haunting flute of Shakuhachi Master Adrian Freedman, this contemplation probes the depths of those mountain silences, out of which the earliest eddies of ecstasy formed. Deeply embedded with pregnant silences, this is a masterful monologue that drops one deep into the echoing silence of the heart of being.

The Ecstatics is a free audio series of beautiful monologues set to music, exploring the life and work of some of the greatest saints, poets and mystics of all time. In this time of uncertainty and change, these are the people we should be listening to most intently – their message is the clearest and most vital there has ever been.

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