July 6th – 12th 2024

Gene Key 53


Immaturity – Expansion – Superabundance

This week we meet Gene Key 53, the Gift of Expansion. Wherever you put your attention this week, that energy will expand, so beware where you put your focus!

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Expansion comes without effort. It emerges naturally, slowly, quietly. It brings calm rather than excitement. It brings simplicity rather than complexity. It brings perspective rather than ambition. And it all comes through slowing down.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Blessing of the Five Elements

This simple and beautiful blessing connects you to the elements of nature. It can be used with any kind of contemplative practice, whether walking in nature alone or setting a sacred space for a group. It can also be a wonderful preparation for sunrise meditations. This practice emerged from the profound teachings of the Seven Sacred Seals, a mystical transmission of Grace.

Unlock the Prophetic Power of Your Dreams

Rosy Aronson features in Inspired Evolution podcast

In this new episode of Inspired Evolution with Amrit Sandhu, Rosy Aronson delves into the transformative world of the Dream Arc and the Gene Keys. She highlights the power of change, emphasising the importance of embracing our shadow aspects and listening deeply to ourselves. The conversation celebrates the power of play and imagination in nurturing the resilience which leads to survival, and we are encouraged to experience life as an adventure, even during tough times. It is about repairing divisions, embracing life’s wonderful multiplicity, and connecting with our inner artistry to co-create a beautiful world.

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